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Biographical Information

Manuel Prieto is Full Professor of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) of Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), where he obtained the PhD (1981) and Habilitation (1993).

His work is centered in Molecular and Cell Biophysics, namely on the application of state-of-the art fluorescence methodologies, both at ensemble average level and under the microscope, allowing to retrieve topological and dynamic information. Some of the research interests are related to membrane biophysics such as phase diagrams, detection and study of membrane nanodomains, lipid-protein and lipid-DNA interaction, and amyloid fiber formation. The work (220+ ISI Web of Science publications and 17 book chapters, with over 5000 citations) obtained international recognition and has been presented in invited communications including a significant number of plenary talks.

At IST he was involved in the teaching of Structural Biology, General Chemistry, and Spectroscopy, receiving the award of Excellent Teacher in 2012 and 2013.

Of his previous PhD students (24 supervised/co-supervised), a significant number went into high profile careers such as Full Professors (Universidade de Lisboa), Associate Professors (Universidade de Coimbra, Porto, Lisboa and Madeira), Assistant Professors (Universidade de Lisboa and Coimbra), Assistant Researchers (Universidade de Lisboa, Nova de Lisboa, Vienna, and Prague), scientific edition (Associate Editor, Springer Nature, London; Senior Editor, Spandidos Publications, London), as well as industry (Stevanato Group, Italy).

MP is at the origin of the Portuguese biophysics school and is the founder of the Portuguese Biophysical Society.

Manuel Prieto has been deeply involved in Schools of Biophysics (e.g. Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, UK, Germany, Cuba, Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil) both as organiser and as lecturer, and is “International Mentor” of the Biophysical Society (USA). 

MP had a strong involvement in science outreach activities both in Portugal (secondary school presentations to 6000+ students, Chemistry Olympiad, European Researchers’ Night), and abroad (Brazil, Uruguay).


Manuel Prieto was the PI or co-PI of a large number of projects, both national (FCT), transnational (Brazil, Canada, Spain), and European (Marie-Curie, COST, EUREKA). MP has also been actively involved in the organization of many congresses (e.g. Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, UK, Germany, USA, Brazil, Argentina, India).

He is member of the Editorial Board of Biochim. Biophys. Acta and Chem. Phys. Lipids (Elsevier), Biophys. Rev. (Springer), Int. J. Mol. Sciences (MDPI) and Associate Editor of “Frontiers in Membrane Physiology and Biophysics” (Frontiers).

MP has a regular participation as evaluator of international agencies e.g. National Science Foundation (USA), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK), Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) (France), Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, Czech National Foundation, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (India). At the European level, he has been project evaluator for Marie-Curie and COST actions. Also participated abroad in committees for academic positions and Habilitation and PhD thesis. At the national level, he was member of the Scientific Council for Exact Sciences and Engineering (FCT, Portugal), and is Research Group Coordinator at CQFM (IST, 2013-2019).

MP has a strong record of participation in international scientific organizations, among them: i) Member of the Council of “LAFeBS” (Latin American Federation of Biophysical Societies), ii) Science Europe – Member of the Scientific Committee (Physical, Chemical and Mathematical Sciences, including Materials Sciences (PHYCHEMA), iii) Member of FEBS (Federation of the European Biochemical Societies) Publications Committee (2009-2013), iv) Collaborator of “Initiative for Science in Europe” (2013). In addition, he was Faculty Member of the UNESCO Chair of Biophysics and Molecular Neurobiology (Argentina, 1999-2003), President of EBSA (European Biophysical Societies' Association), and is President-Elect (since 2017) of the major international biophysics organization, IUPAB (International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics).

He received the following awards: 2005- “Estímulo à Excelência” - FCT (Portugal); 2006- “Prémio União Latina” –Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (Portugal); 2007- “Prémio Científico UTL/ Santander Totta”- Biophysics – Honorary Mention; 2008- “Prémio Científico UTL/ Santander Totta”- Biophysics; 2011- Honorary Member of the Spanish Biophysical Society; 2013-“Distinguished Visitor”-Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.



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Ole G. Mouritsen

Ole G. Mouritsen PhD DSc is a physicist and professor of gastrophysics and culinary food innovation at the University of Copenhagen. He has a background in physical chemistry, interfacial science, and membrane biophysics. He is an elected fellow of the Royal Danish Society of Sciences and Letters, the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences, the Danish Gastronomical Academy, and Sigma Xi. He is the author of several scientific books and about 400 scientific papers and reports, in addition to being recipient of a number of prestigious science and science communication prizes, most recently the DuPont Nutrition & Health Science Medal for Excellence in Food Science (2016).  In 2016 he was appointed Japanese Cuisine Goodwill Ambassador by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries. He is currently president of the Danish Gastronomical Academy and director of the Danish national research- and communication center Taste for Life. In his spare time, he cooks, collaborates with chefs, furthers his knowledge of all aspects of food, and writes articles and books about the science of food and taste, including Sushi: Food for The Eye, the Body, and the Soul (2009), Seaweeds: Edible, Available & Sustainable (2014), Umami: Unlocking the Secrets of the Fifth Taste (2014), Life – As a Matter of Fat (2015), and Mouthfeel: How Texture Makes Taste (2017). Currently he works on projects involving the gastrophysics of foods from seaweeds and cephalopods.


Opening of the morning session

With the presence of the President of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Prof. Arlindo Oliveira, and the President of the Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences (iBB), Prof. Joaquim Sampaio Cabral


Former Ph. D. students

Luís Loura, Recollections of a better time
Miguel Castanho, The celtic tree legacy


Graduate students I

Tiago Palmeira (CQFM/iBB), Fullerenes and the trail for the maximum TADF efficiency
Diogo Mendonça (IMM), Game of Peptide Thrones: the battle against viruses across membranes





Graduate students II

Clara García (CQFM/iBB), Using homo-FRET to map the conformational changes of KcsA
Luís Araújo (CQFM/iBB), Membrane order of calcium-induced PI(4,5)P2 nanodomains
Ana Martins (IMM), Flavivirus capsid proteins and their ability to interact with host lipid systems and viral RNA
Tânia Santos (iMED), The study of atypical sphingolipids and life in general with Prof. Manuel Prieto


Lunch break



Opening of the afternoon session

With the presence of the President of the Scientific Council of IST, Prof. Luís Oliveira e Silva, the President of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Prof. Teresa Duarte, and the President of Centro de Química-Física Molecular (CQFM), Prof. Mário N. Berberan e Santos


Invited Speaker


Invited Speaker


Invited Speaker





Song recital

Félix Goñi (UPV, Bilbao), works by Schubert, Fauré, Falla, Lopes-Graça, and others


Apotheosis, remerciements and closure



Travel to Praia da Adraga (Colares, Sintra)

Transportation not provided (please see navigation instructions below).


Informal dinner (Adraga Restaurant)



Open air performance and final toast


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Song recital

Works by Schubert, Fauré, Falla, Lopes-Graça, and others

Félix Goñi - baritone

Felix Goñi began his singing studies with Professor Victoria Zajchowski in Victoria (BC, Canada). He has devoted himself to romantic music (lieder, mélodie). He has been a student of María Folco (Bilbao), Enrique Baquerizo (Madrid) and Dalton Baldwin (Antibes). He has given recitals in Spain, Germany, France, Mexico, Canada and USA. He has collaborated with the Capella Joan Baptista Comes de Alicante, under the direction of Benancio Bilbao, as well as the pianists Anouska Antúnez, Ales Larrazabal, Paloma Camacho, Isir Almaguer and Alessandro Zuppardo, William L. De Van and Aurelio Viribay.

Ales Larrazabal - piano

Born in Bakio, this pianist carried out his studies at the Superior Conservatory Juan Crisóstomo Arriaga of Bilbao under the direction of Professor Carlos Ibarra, finishing his studies with maximum grades. Later, he carried out technical and interpretive improvement studies with Humberto Quagliata in Madrid. He has received master classes from great masters such as Alicia de Larrocha, Joaquín Achucarro, Josep Colom, Almudena Cano and Tsiala Knerbadze. He has presented numerous recitals as a soloist and in chamber music groups, an activity he currently combines with that of piano teacher and titular repertoire pianist in the Conservatory "Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga" of Bilbao.

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Informal dinner at Adraga Restaurant, Praia da Adraga, Colares, Sintra

How To Get There

Follow A5 to the end (Cascais) then head toward Malveira da Serra (take N9-1).

Continue toward Colares (take N247).

After Ulgueira turn left to Almoçageme.

At Almoçageme centre follow left road to Adraga beach.

GPS: 38.802566, -9.484933

Menu (37.50 euros prepaid; reduced price for graduate students and researchers without PhD: 30 euros)

Please note: The number of places is strictly limited to 50.

Welcome drink: Martini OR water OR white wine

Starter: bread, butter, cheese and olives; prawns and clams dish

Main course: Grilled codfish OR Grilled meat OR Octopus ('Polvo à Lagareiro') OR Fried pork and clams, with potatoes and coriander ('Carne de Porco à Alentejana').

Please specify your choice with registration.


Dessert: Portuguese rice pudding ('Arroz doce') OR fruit salad

Wine & water and coffee are included.

Following dinner, there will be observation of luminescent plankton, bagpipe music and hot Galician punch ('Queimada').

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Registration for symposium and/or dinner

Please fill in the form. Indicate in your message if you are attending the symposium, the dinner, or both. The number of places in the restaurant is strictly limited to 50. Confirmation of availability and instructions for payment of the dinner will be sent to the e-mail address provided with the registration form.

Further info:

Thanks for submitting!

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